I had the pleasure of spending the day……. the FULL, long, hot day at Lundgren Angus Ranch, located in Gove, Kansas. The first couple of hours, when it was overcast with a slight breeze, I was telling myself how I could totally do this. Then the sun came out, the temp went sky high, and I was praying for air condition. Bottom line – these folks work hard!!! Larry and Anita Lundgren started Lundgren Angus Ranch many years ago and has since added their daughter Kirsten and her husband Blake. They took over the daily operations and with the latest technology, and science, Blake and Kirsten are really growing the business quickly. I learned all about how they don’t use, or need to use any growth hormones. It’s all about selective breeding. Big daddy and big momma cow make big babies. (those are my words) They have to be real organized to keep track of everything. I was there for one day and we gave vaccines to about 100 calves. So here is how the day went….
Blake and I jumped into one truck while Kirsten went with Brendan (their seasonal main man)
Blake riding the four wheeler with the cattle dog.
Brenden started spreading treats on the ground to get everyone’s attention.
I jumped in the back of the other four wheeler and we took off. Kirsten was shaking the bag of treats and all the cows followed us. Smart cows.
Kirsten using more treats to get all the cows into the pen. Blake was riding in the back of the herd gathering any wanderers.
Once all the cows from that pasture were in the pen they would separate the calves from the moms so they could put them on the trailer. This part blew me away…. The three of them had such teamwork and literally separated all the calves with flags and a rattle.
Once all the little ones were on the trailer we headed back to the ranch for the vaccines. Just like what we give humans, to help them stay healthy and strengthen their immune systems for when they are weaned later in the year.
All finished with the shots and then they loaded them back on the trailer to go home to mom.
Once they match up with the right moms they all get let back out in the pasture. Only separated for a couple hours.
Smiling after a long day of hard work.
Blake and Kirsten
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